Video: Section 230 Legal Seminar, Sponsored by MojoHost
If you have missed the MojoHost-Sponsored Legal Impact live seminar about Section 230 - law governing user-generated content
If you have missed the MojoHost-Sponsored Legal Impact live seminar about Section 230 - law governing user-generated content
The new MojoHost + AntMedia hosted streaming engine is an adaptive, ultra-low latency live broadcasting solution. It uses WebRTC technology to achieve latency of approximately half a second, and for users that are unable to stream WebRTC, backup low-latency HLS will deliver data in amazing quality with latency of 3-5 seconds.
A comprehensive overview of various subjects, explaining Content Delivery Networks, Web Application Firewalls, Serverless technology, and much more.
We all know from school-level physics that there is nothing faster than light, as far as we are aware, in the whole Universe. Thanks to optic fibers, emails reach us in a matter of seconds, and we can watch HD videos. But one big question remains: how does this magic work? Hold on tight, we are starting the exploration at light speed!
Let's discuss positive features that help websites get high ranks from search engines and, eventually, be visited more often, and explore why SERP Position is important and what can influence it.
We wish you and your loved ones lively, safe and enjoyable holidays! Season's Greetings from Team MojoHost!
The recently discovered vulnerabilities in the widely used log4j library has caused a massive effort to upgrade affected software across the web. At MojoHost, we have already taken stock of how this affects our own services and our customers.
Your website will be seen if search engines detect it and rank better than your rivals. Many factors will influence SERP positions, which will help your website appear within the first several pages of search results.
All new hosting orders of virtual or dedicated servers placed between 00:01 am Monday, November 29th and 11:59 pm Friday, December 3rd will qualify for a 50 percent discount for the first three months. All regular or quoted servers qualify, in US or EU.
DNS records are confusing, so here's a simple guide on what the most important ones do, and how DNS propagation works. This blog post includes information essential to domain owners, and links out to a wider overview.