LOS ANGELES (Jan. 20, 2025) — The Association of Sites…

Unmetered Servers? Yes, all FREE bandwidth!
The year is 2022 and it is time to let go of the early 2000s mentality. Files on the Internet are large and even mobile data is capable of handling High Definition videos. Unsurprisingly, the bandwidth your websites burn is much higher than it was in the years of small images and short 480p media clips. Many hosts still cling to small bandwidth allowances and hope to earn more on overages. For some, it has become the business model. We at MojoHost believe that it It is Good Mojo to not worry about server bandwidth overages. MojoHost now offers all of its servers with unmetered bandwidth right out of the gate.
We are ready to serve customers even better. From here on out, all MojoHost customers have this free upgrade. All servers that do not require custom networking include 1 Gbit of unmetered, guaranteed bandwidth by default. VPSs will include 250 mbit or 500 mbit depending on size. Yes, you heard us – no more bandwidth overages (we’ve stopped charging for those years ago, actually). We want to encourage your success and creativity so your growth isn’t inhibited: start that marketing campaign, upgrade to full HD, burn baby, burn!
The bandwidth is now unmetered by default in all MojoHost locations. This includes the flagship Miami location, heart-of-EU Amsterdam server location, and the brand new Detroit data center. With amazingly competitive prices, unmatched support, and superior network solutions, we’re ready to shake up the market. Reach out to discuss how you can achieve success with MojoHost’s state of the art infrastructure.