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MojoShield Volume Plans And Product Benefits
MojoShield Wins
MojoShield has been an amazing addition to MojoHost’s suite of products, with many customers happy to see an affordable way to protect their websites from DDOS and other attacks.
However, for some customers with larger and more varied website portfolios, the basic cost of $10/domain monthly is adding up to a significant sum on multiple domains. Naturally, it makes no sense to protect 1 domain when others are exposed on the same server – the attackers could simply launch the offense on one of the unprotected domains and bring down the server just as well. To cater to those who want DDOS protection, yet are reluctant to spend significant funds to cover all of the smaller, less busy domains, we created the volume MojoShield plans.
What bundle plans are available
When purchasing MojoShield for 1 domain at $10/month isn’t convenient, you’ll be able to choose to get it on 7 domains for $35/month, 10 domains at $50/month and 25 domains at $100/month, with an allotment of 10 million requests for each set of domains. The overage rate of only 50 cents per million requests applies to all plans.
How Web Application Firewall (WAF) works
Web Application firewall utilizes a network of over 30 Points of Presence (PoPs) around the globe where a user attempting to access your site would first be directed. The system uses a set of complex algorithms to determine whether the request to your website is legitimate or malicious. It then decides whether to pass through, challenge or block the request. When passed, the requests are sent via a premium route that will result in faster data delivery. If challenged, a captcha or a CPU-intensive computation is required. If the firewall is certain the request is malicious, it is blocked outright – such as the millions of requests that come in during a DDOS. Please note that those requests that are blocked are not accounted for in your billing – meaning that you do not have to pay out of pocket when your websites are under attack, or face the difficult choice between spending a lot and keeping your business online.
MojoShield’s benefits and protection
MojoShield not only protects against Layer 7 DDOS attacks, it will also:
– combat cross-site scripting, making it impossible to implant client-side scripts into your websites’ pages which would dupe end users
– block malicious automatic traffic – the ever-prolific bots
– deter unauthorized SQL injections
– defend your websites from the Top 10 threats identified by the Open Web Application Security
Project (OWASP)
Customization and VIP traffic sources
The product is very versatile. Besides the default setup rules, you can choose to add your own, as well as permanently whitelist those traffic sources you trust. Note that beyond a certain threshold, additional rules will increase the monthly cost. Whitelisted and other “good” traffic sources would use a streamlined channel to get to the origin server, meaning you’ll see a palpable boost to your website’s load speed as well.
Contact us today if you have any questions! More about MojoShield.