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Photo of MojoHost awards case

January Tradeshows And Awards Aftermath

All The Shows

January brings with it some of the most productive, informative, turbulent, and exhausting tradeshows of the year. XBIZ LA 2020, InterNext 2020, and Affiliate Summit West 2020 have all been attended by the MojoHost rockstar management and sales team members. There are few ways more beneficial for establishing new partnerships and finding new ideas than attending tradeshows, and so each January our bags are packed to go out and meet our customers face to face, share knowledge, and help new projects grow.

Cybersocket Gala

On the very first day in Los Angeles, we were proud to represent MojoHost at the Cybersocket awards and hopeful to receive the Best Hosting Company award we were nominated for. Arriving on the red carpet early, we had time for some pictures.

Photo of Brad Mitchell and Natalie Pannon at the Cybersockets Awards
Brad Mitchell and Natalie Pannon on the red carpet of the CyberSocket Awards – Photo credit

XBIZ Honors

Three nominations for the XBIZ Honors Awards had us sitting at the tip of our chairs on the following evening. Brad Mitchell received the “Community Figure of the Year” award and so there was much to celebrate at the amazing annual Rooftop Rage party which followed the Honors ceremony.

Photo of Brad Mitchell and other XBIZ Honors winners
Winners of the XBIZ Honors Awards 2020 – Photo credit XBIZ Magazine

The XBIZ tradeshow in Los Angeles also included a presentation on 2020 technology, which you can read about here.

Internext 2020

The Internext tradeshow this January had been the first edition after the change of ownership. We were pleasantly surprised with the professionalism and how well-attended the show was. The best part, of course, was meeting so many good friends.

Photo of Brad Mitchell and friends at InterNext
Team MojoHost and Friends

Awards, all of the awards

Photo of MojoHost awards case
MojoHost’s 52 awards for business excellence

As of today, the count of beautiful trophies in our office is 52. MojoHost’s President Brad Mitchell proudly posted on his Facebook page “January’s awards have found their new home. 2020 Cybersocket Web Host of the Year MojoHost, 2020 XBiz Community Figure of the Year Brad Mitchell, 2020 GFY Hall of Fame Brad Mitchell & 2020 GFY Web Host of the Year MojoHost. Thank you, everyone, for your patronage and support!” #thatsgoodmojo

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